Dance with me

Monday, December 08, 2008

And Now for the Cat Update

Okay, it seems to be a little better.
Possible scenarios:
could be that the cats are peeing in the litter box
could be that the older cat hasn't peed at all since I last yelled at her...either she is so traumatized after the last time that I yelled at her or she has a totally blocked urinary tract
could be that we got our Christmas tree and that is like one ginormous air freshener in the house
or it could be that I am now used the cat pee smell

You are welcome to come over and give me an honest opinion about which one you think that it is.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


No. not the musical!

Right now our cats are lucky to be alive. Well, maybe one of them is lucky to be alive. Our old cat, Mystic, has begun to pee and poop all over the house. I thought it had stopped and everything was clean and smelling normal again but no....yesterday she peed in my bathroom, tonight she peed in my bedroom and in the family room under the computer table. I admit that I am ready to kill her. Mary Kate is afraid that I might do just that. I am so ready to give it up. Ready to get rid of the cat or make her live in the garage or with someone else.
I am not a true animal lover. I know that having pets is good for a family but I hate the mess that they make. Our house would be so much cleaner if we didn't have pets.
Any advice out there? Any advice that is doable? I don't have the time or the energy to do anything crazy right now to make this better.
Anybody? Please help.