Dance with me

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Improvements for the New Year

I have been thinking about all the normal things that people commit to at the beginning of a new year and I already told you about the joy thing and yes, I will probably be writing about that all year but I am thinking about physical things right now.
Today Abundant Life had their health screening at ACU. It is a wellness program for ACU employees. My bloodwork was excellent but there are other areas that need fixing. I am just never sure how to go about all that....I know, I less, exercise more. Too general for me. I need more guidance than that but....too much guidance and I will fail...too many rules. So how do you approach it?
I have made some choices that will grow as the year progresses.
Drink more water.
Starting January 25th I will do a sugar fast until Lucy's birthday.
I am going to sleep more...typing fast so I can go to bed on time.
I am adding one workout to my week.

Last year without dietary changes I lost 12 pounds....just working out and being more conscious of food.
But.....this year I turn 50 in October...I am toying with idea of a 50 lb. weight loss by the time I turn 50. Again, I don't want to scare myself out of progress.

Do you have any physical goals that you want to achieve this year? And do you think that my idea is crazy?


At 9:45 AM, Blogger Blessed Mommy said...

I did Abundant Life while I was working at ACU and liked it a lot. You are beautiful the way you are, but if you want to lose 50 pounds then go for it. Just remember It took a while to put it on and it will take a while to get the weight off. It is only safe to lose 1 to 2 lbs a week. I did weight watchers for a while and it is a great program. I highly suggest this. Good luck. I am trying to lose weight too. I miss you!

At 5:20 PM, Blogger julie said...

I promise that I will be smart about it. I am starting with no sugar and more water. I need some rules but not too many. I can't stick with weight watchers for very long because it is so restrictive. I will be gradually working out more and more and taking different foods out one at next to go I think will be fried food.


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