I have been reading comments this morning about CoCers reactions to Nancy Grace's interview with Rubel Shelley. I was so angry after watching. I am a woman in the Church of Christ and I don't agree with all Churches of Christ. I am feeling for Mary Winkler and wish that I could talk with her. I see pain in her face. As many of you know out there in the Church of Christ internet world, I have been very outspoken about women's role in the CoC and have thought many times about leaving the Church of Christ but here is why I am still a part of the Church of Christ...
The Church of Christ is my family and it is who I am. Even if I walked away, the CoC would still be family and it would still be who I am. I am a follower of Jesus and I can do that anywhere...why not stay in my family? I love the small world that is the Church of Christ...that at every CoC gathering there are always connections and if you don't know someone at that particular gathering, you do know someone that they know. I love that the Church of Christ is willing to continue to study and change. I know, I know, that change is slow but I don't feel like it is stagnant. I love the music of the Church of Christ. Most people in the Church of Christ don't feel anymore that instrumental music is wrong but just choose to stay with acappella music. I love the sound of acappella voices raised in praise...it is beautiful and moving. I also love our church's praise band but it is the acappella music that moves me the most. I am a member of a Church of Christ that is still thinking and moving and is on a journey to become a missional church. We are praying for and feeding our neighbors....the poor, the homeless and the disenfranchised. We are helping those around us who can't help themselves. It is not easy and I would even call it messy but we are not giving up. I am watching our church family reach beyond our comfort levels and touch the untouchables. We are still processing what this means to us as a church but I am glad that we are thinking and moving.
Yes, I have had my own beefs with the Church of Christ but it is not a cult and those of us who are part of the Church of Christ know that you can find just about whatever you want in a Church of Christ. There is no central organization and each church is independent and makes their own choices. Yes, there are some Churches of Christ that our mainline culture would have a hard time understanding but there are also some Churches of Christ that are relevant to the current culture...but I know that can be true for almost any denomination.
For now, I will stay with my family but I also think that I could sit down with Mary Winkler and talk and we would understand each other. The Churches of Christ are still learning and still searching...we don't have all the answers...right now we are just trying to form the questions.