Dance with me

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Tim is mowing the front yard right now...mostly to get all the leaves that our gigantic trees shed constantly. Not that I would ever complain about having trees when I live in West Texas.
Lucy is at the movies watching Horton Hears A Who. She met some friends there.
We have beautiful weather...sun, warm breeze, blue sky. I am loving it.

John is coming to visit on Tuesday. yay!

You know that I have been working out for 6 months now. Boot camp with swiss ball, yoga, pilates, and tai chi thrown in at the end....I love it. I made a deal with myself that I would workout for 6 months and then add to that healthy eating. Well, last Monday started my 6 months of healthy eating. I need to figure out what the next 6 months holds. I have not been perfect this week with my healthy eating but I would say tremendously better than the week before so that is progress. These are things that I ate that are not healthy: several chips that came with a pretty healthy burrito, bacon on a sandwich, a tiny supposedly healthy frozen yogurt, one cookie, some m&ms. Tomorrow starts week two and I feel pretty good about it...mostly I have eaten: lots of fruit, some hardboiled eggs, chicken, vegetables, yogurt, nuts, turkey sandwiches on swirled rye and pumpernickel, a little pasta with get the picture. I think that already I feel better and more alert but we will see how it goes. I am committed to 6 months. That doesn't mean that there won't be some times when I do eat things that aren't perfectly healthy but I want 95% of what I eat to be nutritionally sound. I told one of the students in the clinic what I was doing and he said he would keep checking up with me to keep me honest. Good to be held accountable.

I am still sick. I have been sick since the middle of January. I am getting better right now because I am taking big antibiotics for an extended period. Hopefully this will kick it out of my system but I do have an appointment with an ENT in April....just didn't think that I could wait til April to feel better...what do you think?

Mary Kate is still having a good time. She has just been to Ireland and soon goes to Italy. I will share more pictures soon.


At 6:27 AM, Blogger Mom said...

give john a hug from Maryland.
sounds like the health y eating is a much better plan than a diet. A few guilty pleasures are good for you. I bet you look very fit with all that exercises. Would love to see you.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

I wish I could hug you both too!
You are tagged to do a MiMe: a minimalist memoir. Check out my blog for details.


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