Dance with me

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The Primaries

I live in Texas and today I voted. I got my sticker and I could've caucused tonight. I should have but I went to exercise class. There seemed to be hundreds of people caucusing at my precinct when I came back by on my way home. Exciting! I love that people are involved in this process. This is one of the best things about living in this country. We are a democratic society. The person that we wanted to win may not always win but the transfer of power is peaceful and usually pretty smooth. We try to respect each other. I know that I have not been a Bush supporter but he is a man just as we are all people and has the right do things in the way that he sees fit.
I am going to put myself out there. I voted for Hillary for several reasons....she is smart, she is experienced, we have already watched her walk through the fire and she did it with grace and dignity, her answers are specific, she has a plan that makes sense, and she is a woman.
I know, maybe that shouldn't matter....but to me it does. As a country we need to break the pattern of women always being last....the last to have complete rights, the last to vote...this would break that terrible pattern.
I don't have a problem with Barak Obama but he hasn't impressed me with specifics. He doesn't seem to have a plan. I don't really know where his heart is. I think that I can see a little more where Hillary's heart care, children, women, education. Wow, a president that cares about the things I care about....that would be amazing. I think that she is compassionate.
Okay, I put myself out there. I know that many of you probably vote opposing me and my vote but that is the beauty of it...we can.
I love that the polling centers are usually run by older citizens. They are conscientious, courteous and they always seem like they are having a good time. So much of the world voting is scary but for us it can be a social event. I love that.


At 6:08 PM, Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

Amen! I'm with you exactly.
I'd like to get to know Obama better. Perhaps 8 years as a vice president is just what he needs to do. Then 8 years as a president.

I'm thrilled she's as tenacious as she is.

At 6:16 AM, Blogger Peggy N Texas said...

Well, I have to say I disagree with you wholeheartedly.

First, I don't have a candidate this time around that I can really rally around. I know for certain that I don't want a Clinton in office again! That's for certain.

I appreciate her tenacity but I don't think that is what we need in a President. I am looking for someone to bring honesty back into Politics, which I am afraid will not happen anytime soon. The first thing would be to admit that they really can't change a lot in four or even eight years! That would be a place to start.

Our government is set to move slowly by the nature of the beast we have created.

IBD Editorials, which my boss reads every day had a cartoon the other day which I thought spelled it out for me. It went something like this, "Don't worry, I have experience. I'm not a surgeon, but I was married to one for eight years."

It is an interesting race and will be interesting to see how it all turns out. I just pray for God to take care of it in His Will and timing!

But each to his own opinion!

At 5:52 PM, Blogger Clint said...

She’s a monster or so I hear :)

At 8:56 PM, Blogger julie said...

Ann, thanks for the amen....I don't get amened often.
peg, I am glad that you are my friend and that our views can differ so much. I love that about our country.
clint, I love you!


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