Dance with me

Monday, September 04, 2006

Who Gets It?

Do you remember climbing into someone's lap who felt safe? Did that lap feel warm and welcoming? Did big strong arms engulf you or slender dainty ones? What did you do in that lap? Curl up and suck your thumb? Rest your head on their chest? Listen to their heart or their pocket watch? Run your fingers through their hair or did they run their fingers through yours? Did they rest their chin on top of your sweet head? I know they thought it was sweet. What did they smell like? Tobacco? Fresh air? Perfume? Soap? Sweat? Something wonderful that they were cooking?

I had all these thoughts run through my head Sunday night at small group when Ethan climbed into Calvin's lap just as we were beginning to take Communion together. Calvin handed him a piece of the body of Christ and he leaned his head back on Calvin and started to eat. Satisfied. Happy. Safe. I think that is the whole idea about communion. Lean back in me. Eat. Feel my presence. Sense those around you that love you. You are a part of my family. Be content.


At 6:34 AM, Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

When I was 16, I nearly slammed into a telephone pole when I locked up my brakes to avoid a cat on 197. My friend Kitt, who had been sleeping, thought I was just screwing around and was irritated with me. We stopped inches from the pole and I was pretty shaken, but unharmed. When I got home, my dad was sitting in the reclining chair and I told him what had happened. He could see my emotion and just opened his arms. I folded myself up into his lap, even though I wasn't a little kid anymore and cried while he rubbed my hair. I knew it was OK to cry then. He told me to remember to run over the cat the next time.


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