Dance with me

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Much to Say

First, the whole afternoon was spent looking at houses. We went to a open house...nice house, just can't picture living there. Looked at houses on the computer with our realtor and then drove to see one of those had just been sold. I am feeling very apprehensive about the whole process.

Today Rachel and Sheila Ritchie told the congregation about our trip to Fortress. The pictures were powerful and spoke so loudly that they were distracting Sheila while she was talking. Those girls were awesome! Someone behind me, an adult I think, whispered to someone beside them about one of the girls whose picture had just flashed up on the screen, "Isn't she a pretty girl?" I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. The point of the pictures was to tell the story of our mission trip. What the girls did was beautiful. I am not saying that they aren't beautiful girls, they are but that wasn't the reason we were viewing those pictures. Would they have commented the same way if they were middle school boys' pictures up there?
I may be reacting too strongly to that comment but I have spent so much time talking to those girls about what is important....please church, back me up. Jesus in those girls is what is beautiful. My favorite times with them have been times of service.

Feedback please, friends.


At 9:17 PM, Blogger AM Kingsfield said...

For centuries women were only objects of beauty to be possessed and repressed. We have come so far, but we are not there yet. Default mode is that girls are most valuable when pretty. I hate to hear someone express sorrow that a deceased person was so pretty. Would they be less sad if the person wasn't pretty? I'm glad there is a voice in your church talking to the girls about the beauty of service and giving. That lasts.


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