Dance with me

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Getting Things Done

The past couple of days have been days to get things done. Yesterday we went to the Texas Department of Public Safety. Mary Kate got her driver's instruction permit and a identification card. The ID card will come in handy until she gets her driver's license.
Are all the departments across the country where you receive your driver's license the same? The first time we went we were missing a document because we had secondary identification that needed support but the website said it only needed one piece of support but they told us in person that we needed two. Okay, so we drove home and grabbed our second piece of support for our secondary documentation. Where do they come up with this? There were four women behind the counter helping people receive the freedom that driving brings and all the responsibility that goes with it. They are so close to each other that they could reach over and touch each other. They are helping people and carrying on conversation the whole time...about their lives, families, other employees' time off, vacations...and one of them, no kidding, while she is waiting on a woman pulled out her little compact mirror and was plucking her eyebrows. There is a long line and many other people in plain sight but she is grooming herself. It was a crazy experience.

Today all the girls in our family went for our regular dental cleanings and exams. We had to be there at 8am and didn't leave until 10:30. The office was set at the temperature of Anarctica. They even gave the girls a blanket to stay warm in the waiting room while they made me go first. So much fun....bitewing xrays, scraping on your teeth, water sprayed in your mouth, suction in your mouth, the dentist holding your tongue with gauze...I am just kidding about the fun part.

Next we went to McDonald's to eat. We ate outside because we had been freezing.

We spent the afternoon at the doctor's office for physicals for the girls. We got there at 1:00 and left at 3:30.

I feel like I have so much to do and so little time to do it in.

Just holding on for the ride.


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