Dance with me

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I am home for a week but tomorrow Mary Kate leaves for New Orleans for one last mission trip with the seniors from Highland. Today will be laundry day.
We missed our flight yesterday but were able to catch the next flights out and were able to get home last night. We missed our flight because we drove to Haleyville where my mom is from. So cool to see the graveyard where my relatives are buried. So many people buried there are related to us but I didn't always know the connection. It would have been great to have my mom with us. We did some tombstone rubbings of my great-great-great-great grandfather's tombstone. He fought in the civil war for the Union army. He was in the Alabama Cavalry. This cemetery is very well-kept...pristine.
We wandered through some cemeteries in Tennessee looking for Tim's relatives graves. One was the Whitten Chapel Cemetery. We pulled over to the side of the road and parked. Cows were on the other side of the road and began to moo loudly at us and every one of them was staring at us. They are beautiful and have the sweetest faces. The path to the cemetery is overgrown and the cemetery itself is even worse. We wander through all the old graves looking for names that we recognize from the research done about family history. We find one very old one that was thought to be a male relative who fought in the civil war but also for the Union. After reading the dates we realize that something doesn't mesh and when back at the hotel later, come to the conclusion that it is probably one of his wives. It was so much fun going on this adventure. As we walked out we were feeling itchy and sweaty and not just a little buggy. I looked over at Paul and saw a tick crawling up his shirt. Ken found one on his neck. So, of course, then all of us began to feel like something was crawling on us.
I will tell more about this trip in the next few days.


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