Dance with me

Friday, May 12, 2006


I just noticed that my dear Pixie tested a comment on this blog and I realized how I had neglected to tell you about her. Here I was talking about Mary Kate and I never told you who we named her after. I call her Pixie and so do many other people..well, her East Coast friends call her Pixie. Her West Coast friends call her Mary and her mother and her mother's friends called her Mary Ann. She is tiny and the name Pixie fits her perfectly. She is also quiet and very smart....I don't mean ordinary smart but she has more in her head than I could ever imagine holding in my head. But these are not the reasons that I named my first daughter after her. I first met her at Camp WaMaVa when I was 11 years old. I was sitting on the road over the creek and was sort of distressed about a conflict with a staff member. Now, if you knew me as an 11-year-old, you would know that usually I avoided conflict and if conflict happened it was very distressing to me. I had enough conflict at home and conflict anywhere else would just overwhelm me. Pixie was married and her husband was the director at camp. She sat down on the edge of the road with me and we talked through what I was distressed about. That was the first of many long talks. I immediately felt comfortable with her. As the years passed, we became like sisters. We walked with each other through our dark places and came out in the light together on the other side. She has done things for me that I don't think anyone else has ever done for me. We don't get to see each other much anymore but we talk on the phone when we can and I know that anytime of the day or night I could call on her and she would be there for me. Friends like her are rare and I am privileged to call her my friend. I love that Mary Kate is named after her.


At 6:01 PM, Blogger Malia said...

Pixie...I haven't heard that name in ages.


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