Dance with me

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I have been learning many things at work lately. Mostly that I am different than the people I work with. You might say...I know, I know, you are a Christian and your coworkers aren't...well, no...I would say that most of the people I work with are Christians. I have opened my mouth lately and have found myself lined up with those who aren't Christians that I work with. I loved Brokeback Mountain and think that it is an important movie. My coworkers do not. I would not consider myself a spanker when it comes to disciplining children (that is not to say that I didn't spank my children...sometimes...but usually in anger or they were in danger but I always regretted it and wished that I had chosen a different way to correct them). My coworkers are spankers. I love the Dixie Chicks new song. My coworkers hate it. I vote prochoice. My coworkers vote prolife. I think that kids should be held responsible for their actions (a local issue right now-Wylie-if you live here). My coworkers think that the school should be more lenient.
You would think from this post that I don't like my coworkers. I do like them and I like them more every day that I work with them. We don't agree on many things but we work together well. We all agree that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and everyone deserves a healthy delivery in a nurturing environment. We work well as a team and we all have strengths and weaknesses.
I love my coworkers.


At 4:00 PM, Blogger G'ampa C said...

Jesus didn't call us to be the same, to have the same opinions, same preferences, same ideal parenting styles, same anything. What he did was call us to be one. Sometimes the opposite of "sameness". One-ness means looking past the differences we all have to the bigger issues: love, mercy, heaven, peace, compassion. Allowing someone to disagree while still loving. Allowing someone their own viewpoint while celebrating what we DO have in common: same Master, same God, same Creator, same address for eternity. Sounds like you are doing that. Amen, sister.


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