Dance with me

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Again, my mind is

Worked almost 14 hours today. I am exhausted and I had a very difficult day.

I told you that I would giving you glimpses of the writings of Lauren Winner. Tonight's excerpt comes from her newest book, Real Sex:

Sex is communal rather than private, but it is still personal rather than public. To say there are communal rights to sexual behavior is not to imagine a world where Mr. Married offers a Christianized version of locker-room chat with his buddies in the pews. It is not to imply that my married friends need to regale me with details every time they make love.
To say that sex is communal, rather, is to remind Carrie's roommates that they have not just a right but an obligation to speak to Carrie about sexual sin. It is to encourage married Christians to speak to one another- not just about sexual sin, but about all the complicated emotional and physical thickets one can find oneself in when one is having sex. It is to urge Christians to speak frankly to one another about the realities of chastity, about the thrills and tediums of married sex, about the rich meanings inherent in being sexual persons who live in bodies. It is to ask the church to serve as narrator, reminding ourselves who we are, and why we do what we do.

Some thoughts on her words? Is she stepping on some toes? Do you think that she should?


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Malia said...

This is one area where church really has a long way to go. Nobody wants to talk about it for several reasons. We don't want to "overshare" and give "too much info" about our own lives. We don't want to offend or to sound too harsh and prude. We don't want to embarrass or harass. We don't want to confess. This is one instance where I think books are a good tool. My mother gave me her copy of "Every Woman's Battle". That kind of book can speak frankly to someone, to me, and be convicting and educating without being emabarassing or condemning. Does that make any sense?


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